As I mentioned back on Saturday, 2 September 2000, at 6:03 a.m. on the Club Message Board.
I wonder how many other non reported CCGTCC members have let their International membership terminate and only renewed their Chapter memberships.
A RATIONAL RESPONSE TO RADICAL what you are presuming.
>>>We came to the conclusion that we would have lost the CO chapter and perhaps others that were not in compliance if we enforced the bylaw. Personally, I feel it is better to have more people involved, even if it includes a few non-members than to alienate an entire group or groups of current members.>>>
What you are going to see is that the Chapter memberships will GROW and the International memberships will not. I do believe it's already started happening with the Silver Strikers Chapter. I was just recently informed that the chapter just had a large increase in membership. Most likely due to not having to pay for membership in CCGTCC.
I mentioned before....
Silver strike collectors will ask themselves, what does MEMBERSHIP in CCGTCC offer me for the price? A magazine that has little or no silver strike information that I can find elsewhere. A free entry to the Convention floor at $2.00 per day. Ability to attend the Convention auction which has little or no silver strikes of interest. Or maybe I am a person who cannot attend the conventions. So far I am finding little that entices me as a Silver Striker to join CCGTCC.
But WAIT! Here's a brainstorm, I can by joining the chapter in some way show an affiliation of myself to CCGTCC and not be a true member of the International. I can advertise Silver Strikes on E-bay(and elsewhere) touting the fact that I am a member of the "Silver Striker's Chapter of CCGTCC"! HOW NICE! And I am not even a member of the International. Now something I do upsets the International BOD! Not much you can do about me other than to suggest to the Chapter that they boot me out!
You want to have more people involved,,, GREAT IDEA... Involved where?... ONLY AT THE CHAPTER LEVEL with this decision.
I just received my Silver Strikers Chapter newsletter recently and below you will see a copy of the Application form that was included. The only mention of the CCGTCC is on the Title. No where does it mention a membership in CCGTCC. I would at least have expected that with the new bylaw change the International could stipulate that the offer of membership to International will be included on all chapter applications although not required for membership at the chapter level.
Back to the Silver Striker's Newsletter. HOW DOES THIS HEADLINE SOUND?
Here is the newsprint.....
The board of CCGTCC voted to rescind the requirement that membership of any of the chapters must belong to the national organization. So from now on you can give out the enclosed application and the person can become a Silver Striker for only $10 per year and that's all the cost. Give them a choice and tell them of the national club. Help us grow! 230 plus members and adding more every week.
GREAT!!! We've just told all of the current members of the Silver Striker's chapter they don't have to renew their membership with CCGTCC!!!!!!
I will stipulate that this decision will only help the Chapter grow not the International. I can tell them about the International, but do I have the application form handy? Is it somewhere included on the chapter form where I can just add the additional fees? As for a current member of both the Chapter and the International it is quite obvious for this member to tell the potential new member of the International. However, I don't see this scenario happening when a Chapter member who has never been a member of International recruits a potential new member.
Within the Silver Striker's newsletter, I found the "CCGTCC" actually written 4 times... Once in the auditor's report noting the ending statement of the "Silver Striker's Chapter of CCGTCC", once noting "The 2001 CCGTCC convention may be at the Tropicana...., and twice in the report listed above.
THIS IS "JUST" AN EXAMPLE of how the International is given as an awareness to the members of a chapter within it's newsletter. Even in the Silver Striker's newsletter did the presidents message even mention CCGTCC, as the Convention was referred to as....
and I am sure it wasn't done in a derogatory manner or intent.
While not expecting doomsday for the International, I do see an EXTREMELY HIGH POTENTIAL for loss of future membership renewals, and even new prospects being lost with this new bylaw. I do foresee Chapters who's membership belongs also to the International is much less than 1/2 their members.
Before Chapter's ever came into existance collectors still got together and meet even though they some were not members of International. To become a "Chapter" of CCGTCC shows a very tight bond with the international and should remain such.
I don't see it as a "FEW NON-MEMBERS" as you state. Unfortunately the DAMAGE is now done, and it will be difficult if not impossible to rectify this situation.