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The Chip Board Archive 04

Vote "Yes" for the amendment; here is why
In Response To: Re: There will Be More ()

Janice hits the nail on the head. This is about money -- chapters offering cut-rate $5.00 (or so) chip memberships, to the detriment of the national. Basically, many chapter officials would put up with seeing many chapter members not pay the $20 national dues, rather than loose just one or two potential buyers or sellers of chips at their local gatherings.

Also, the Amendment is very inclusive. No one objects to people attending chapter meetings as guests before they join the chapter. And then they can be just chapter mebers for a full year. Only when they renew are they required to be national members. It is very easy to administer; I won't bore you with all the easy ways it can be enforced. Here is what I wrote back in September when the Amendment was being formed. I focused on the money issue:


Messages In This Thread

first casualty reported
Re: There will Be More
Re: There will Be More
Vote "Yes" for the amendment; here is why
Re: first casualty reported
Re: first casualty reported
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles--You are wrong.
Re: Gene
Re: first casualty reported
Re: first casualty reported
Re-post from CLUB BB! Janice it's inevitable!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg