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The Chip Board Archive 04

first casualty reported

I received a phone call from a member that
finds it is no longer necessary to belong to CCGTCC, they will just be a member of a chapter, and so it begins. It is my opinion, and always has been, anyone becoming a member of CCGTCC then shold be extended the privilage of joining a

Mr. Kaplan of the NY Metro chapter is now soliciting other chapter heads to vote down the new proposed amendment. It seems to me this should be something put before the entire membership because it involves the very being of our organization.
If Mr. Kaplan wants to present his case to the entire membership, so be it. Then the chapters NOT agreeing with him, along with the entire CCGTCC organization would have an oppoprtunity to decide what will happen to our organization.
Do we want more members deciding to "just be part of a chapter"? Do we want new members coming in to be told, "it will be ok if you don't want to be part of CCGTCC, you can stiil join our group and have all the same privilages"?
Personally I do not.
Janice O'Neal, Past Vice-President CCGTCC for eight years.

Messages In This Thread

first casualty reported
Re: There will Be More
Re: There will Be More
Vote "Yes" for the amendment; here is why
Re: first casualty reported
Re: first casualty reported
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles
Re: Charles--You are wrong.
Re: Gene
Re: first casualty reported
Re: first casualty reported
Re-post from CLUB BB! Janice it's inevitable!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg