>>>>"I support educating people on how to properly evaluate a collectible to determine if it is a real issue that has not been changed to effect its collectiblity."
John; I (and others) have read similar posts regarding "educating people", such as the quote above. What I have NOT read is HOW are YOU (and others) going about doing this? No offense intended John, but I have not read many posts from you about this subject before.
>>>>"I support leeting all stripes of collectors feel confertible in becoming an active part of our hobby."
I feel the same way John. Please refer me to one post that I have made that says otherwise.
>>>>>"I do not see how the curren campaign is helping in either one of those efforts."
And that's where we disagree John. I think that the folks who are opposed to slabbing ARE providing the very "education" that you say you are in favor of. Where is the "education" forthcoming from those folks who ARE in favor of slabbing casino chips other than from those who have a vested money-making interest?
>>>>"I think a lot of people feel that this hobby stopped being fun ever time a current member does not renew. It certainly could be funner."
I think that a lot of people will find another reason for not having fun in this hobby ... in spite of the anti-slabbing sentiment that is overwhelmingly being endorsed by the majority on this bulletin board. We've got members who don't like the Chapter controversy.... some are in favor of the Chapter controversy. Some like the COTY/TOTY rules, some don't like the COTY/TOTY rules. Some like the proposed prohibition of slabs at the convention.... others don't like the proposed prohibiton of slabs at the convention. Some like the admission charge for the convention that will be enacted, some don't like the admission charge. Some want first class postage on all club magazines, others don't feel that the club treasury should take such a big hit. Some favor setting up a club headquarters or museum, others do not. Some favor purchasing old chip manufacturer's records, many do not. Some like vanilla ice cream; others prefer chocolate.
Pick any of the above reasons .... and there are dozens more. Any one of them could provide an excuse for quitting the hobby.
>>>>"Cold in Minnesota - but still with a smile on my face."
We're not exactly having a heat wave here on the east coast either John. <g>