>>I would like a new poll to be taken…….How many on “The List” are union activists and/or registered Democrats.<<
I'm a registered Republican and have no use for unions whatsoever.
>>How many on “The List” have too much time on their hands?<<
...a few.
>>This obsession of a group of some members of the CC>CC is causing more damage than slabbing could ever do.<<
That's where I believe you are profoundly wrong. While we as collectors have, do and will always have differences of opinions, it is still, at least at this point in time, between us. Slabbing is an attempt by people who "aren't us" to dictate TO us and our hobby.
>>This is MY hobby, I should be able to think for my self and collect whatever I wish. I would certainly not tell any one else what to include/exclude in their hobby.<<
Nobody is telling anyone what to collect or not collect. Period. Those of us that have expressed an opinion on this issue are letting people know what WE will collect.
>>The name calling, bitterness, and insensitivity expressed on this board concerning this subject has been unsettling, at best.<<
You are right about some of that. While there may be some bitterness and insensitivity expressed by folks that are against the slabbing of casino chips, it is based in much the same fears you've expressed. We don't want non-collectors determining the future of this hobby. As to name calling, I've witnessed some from people questioning the anti-slabbing effort. Talk to them about that.
>>THE FINAL STRAW….that prompted me to chime in, is the recent post that the AC Chapter is donating to the antislabbing cause. I am a member of this chapter and resent this action of the board of directors without first consulting the members. This is not an emergent situation, which requires board action ONLY.<<
You might want to talk to your BOD. I'm the treasurer of the Colorado chapter, and couldn't/wouldn't commit the use of club funds for anything other than regular expenses for the chapter without at least a minimum of a voice vote at a chapter meeting. ...could be that your BOD is donating these funds out of their own pockets. ....I donno.