Ho Boy! Why do I smell another mini-controvery in the making? <g>
I wasn't going to respond to this post for fear of sparking another controversy .... but then that wouldn't be me.
Larry, before I commit myself to anything prematurely, please allow me to say that should I agree to continue as Chairman of this event next year (if requested) .... I will abide by whatever the newly elected Board determines in whatever direction they want the club to move on this issue. Should I decide not to to serve as COTY/TOTY Chairman next year, it won't be because any changing of rules decision wasn't left up to me.
First of all, only approximately 100 club members respond to this annual call for COTY/TOTY nominations.... even when Silver Strikes were eligible. I have personal reservations about breaking out more classifications. With the tremendous popularity of slot card collecting on the increase... will there be a demand next year for SCOTY (Slot Card Of The Year)? In the event you (or others) are not aware, it is my understanding that there is now an independent club of Slot Card Collectors headed by Pat Lamb that is not associated with CC & GTCC .... and that's o.k. with me, I have no problem with that. I personally think that it is more preferable that these clubs who specialize in specific areas of casino collectibles, whether aligned with CC & GTCC or not, ideally should conduct their own contests. I think the Silver Strikers suggestion to conduct their own contest was a good one. It assures them of a winner, where if left to the general populace of token collectors, perhaps such would not be the case. On the other hand, the possibility exists that maybe TOTY, and SSOTY by the Silver Strikers, could wind up being the same winner. Is a duplication of awards acceptable.... or would another outcry of "foul" be the result after that contest is over?
I don't want to re-hash the problems that arose over last year's contest... nor do I want to appear to be confrontational; but the fact remains that there are personal predjuices involved in these otherwise fun events. We are all chip collectors and/or token collectors. We all have our favorite chips and tokens that have been issued during the year 2000. These are the chips and/or tokens that should be nominated.... not someone else's favorites. Please, don't misunderstand what I've just posted. I have no objection to images of chips being posted on bulletin boards so that others who may not have seen a particularly nice chip or token can judge for themselves on the merits of it's beauty.
However, I do think that groups of people being solicited for their vote is improper ("let's all get behind such and such chip"). I also believe that associate member votes should not mirror their mate's choices.... but that's simply my opinion. I accept at face value every nomination. I don't think that all five nominations for COTY from the same individual should be for five different chips from the same casino, for whatever reason, but that's my opinion and I accept at face value those nominations. I don't think that all five nominations from the same individual should be all Las Vegas chips or tokens, or all five nominations be from Atlantic City, simply because those chips and/or tokens are from the geographical region that the club member resides.
Beautiful chips and attractive tokens should be nominated from wherever they originate from on their individual merits. As of today, I have received only ten nomination forms from club members. I realize that all the magazines are not in all of the members hands yet.... but surely several hundred of copies have been delivered by now. I'm just seeking more participation in this annual event and "let the chips fall where they may." Remember, only those who submit a nomination are invited to participate on the panel of judges. Everyone who submits a nomination is automatically a judge. Only judges will receive the official ballot and color copies of the final ten chip nominees and the final token nominees. Can I count on YOUR participation?
As for your question: "is the term "Silver Strike" the most accurate preferred term for this category of collectibles? Are they always silver or required to have some silver content or silver plating? What would a similar device used for the same purpose be called if it had no silver content? Is the most generic, inclusive term simply "strike"?
Silver Strike is a widely accepted generic nickname, or slang if you prefer, that has been adopted by collectors for what was known in Atlantic City as "Prize Coins". Marv Weaver prefers the term, "Silver Premium Tokens", or SPT's. I guess a non-silver SPT or Prize Token could still be called a "Silver Strike", much like the Ike Dollars are still called silver dollars and most all adhesive type bandages are called "Band-Aids" ... or cents in this country are incorrectly called "pennies".