I would really like to nominate a COTY/TOTY, as I've
never done so in the past knowing so very little as
to what was issued in the previous year, as I'm not
really that active in collecting "current material" from such gambling jurisdiction as Nevada or Atlantic City.
I would greatly appreciate some scans from fellow
collectors such as yourself who are truly interested
in showing others their selections of nominations
I would like to favor some casino's material where
staff showed a true interest in the hobby, because
I feel there was an extra effort put forth by them
for us in mind....and they displayed their ability
to please us in not only putting out a cool
chip/token that we would like, but truly cared how those chips/tokens
were made available with all fareness considered for
all (just a brief description will serve).
So, having said this, can some one please either
e-mail me or post a scan of a few different chips
and tokens from the FOUR QUEENS, HARD ROCK and
perhaps an Atlantic City casino that meets my
requirements, somewhat?