The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 04

For those of you who have been here a year.....

... or more.... and have indicated that you have had your fill of all the politics, anti-slabbing and non-chip related posts that are filling up these pages. I call to your attention that it was I who was the one who was championing the club message board for all club-related posts to be made on the club message board, which would have freed up this bb for just the very topics some of you have posted you would like to see here. I was not very successful in my appeal.

The feed-back I received from several of the more vocal people on this board was that "here is where the action is" ... and I certainly can't refute that. When I look back at some of the more controversial posts these past few weeks, I note well over 100 views on many of them. When I look at some of the more mundane posts (I know somebody is going to jump on me for my choice of that word) I note well less than a dozen views. So, who's kidding who? The majority of people on this board either are interested in the anti-slabbing issue, or the Chapter Issue, or the C & BL issue, or the name-calling, or downright dirty in-fighting, etc. Perhaps it is time for some of us to look in the mirror. We've all contributed in some small way to what this bulletin board is all about.

This message is intended to be an enlightenting, informative, post for those newbies who were not privileged to be here a year ago... and are wondering who the characters on this board think they are with their non-chipping posts.<g>

Messages In This Thread

For those of you who have been here a year.....
Archie! How DARE you refer to..........
Re: Archie! How DARE you refer to..........
Re: Archie! How DARE you refer to..........
Re: Archie! How DARE you refer to..........
Re: Archie! How DARE you refer to Katie
Re: Archie! How DARE you refer to Katie

Copyright 2022 David Spragg