I have a very few of several different Wendover LEs for sale. I'll make a post for each chip, so I can post a scan of each one. Even if you don't want to buy any, Silver Smith and State Line have been putting out some VERY nice looking LEs recently, in very low mintages. If you haven't seen them, you may enjoy this series. I'm offering all these chips for $18 each. Shipping is 75¢ for one chip, included on two or more. Enjoy the scans, and email me if I can fill any holes for you.
This first one was the hardest from last year for me to get. 250 made. It's also, to me, the least attractive, although it has a certain symetry and charm. I'm not sure why <g>. I definitely don't know what the rectangle is for. I've looked at it under UV, a magnifying glass, through red and blue filters. Oh well.