As a new club member of the CC>CC, (but longtime collector - of many things) I am saddened and disappointed that personal opinions and issues of control - would severe valuable mentors and tutors from the forum that that I BELIEVED “was the heart” of chip collectors.
I collect chips because I am fascinated with their history. I collect chips because my heart pounds when I see an envelope – and know that envelope contains an anticipated treasure. (even if that treasure is worth less than a dollar.) I collect chips because I love the touch, feel, the excitement, the memories and the mystery that surround them. I collect chips because of “breakfast with the Karli’s”, e-mails from Wayne Thompson, stories from Mel and the joy of seeing John Benedict’s purple stamp.
I do NOT collect chips to decide what is best “for others”. In fact, I have been undecided if I should even cast a vote in the Club election – as my Club involvement of under 1 years makes me unqualified to make an informed decision for “others”.
In exchange for my membership, the Club asked that I be honest. Ethical. Keep my word. Pay for my chips. Not steal, lie or cheat any body. You asked that I be moral and fair. Not to slander. Not to take advantage of others. To uphold the law – and conduct myself in manner which would not bring discredit to you or impair the prestige of this organization.
I HAVE KEPT MY PROMISE and I have “reaped” so much bounty. But if we lose “our mentors”… along the history, the glamour… but most of all the UNTITY of why some of us “collect casino chips” -- who will hear and carry this history to others??? If the mentors leave, I might as well slab my membership card – as a reminder that my “hobby” became as untouchable as the “issues” that are destroying my interest.