<< ARCHIE >> Chapters are now chomping at the bit to tell prospective members that there is no need to join CC & GTCC. That to me is shortsighted and selfish.<<
<< BOB >>Chapters have been free to do just that for more than seven months. I don't know of one that has. Not one. I can't say it enough, you are trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.<<
Here is the actual article from the very NEXT Silver Striker's Chapter newsletter after the BOD action:
The board of CCGTCC voted to rescind the requirement that membership of any of the chapters must belong to the national organization. So from now on you can give out the enclosed application and the person can become a Silver Striker for only $10 per year and that's all the cost. Give them a choice and tell them of the national club. Help us grow! 230 plus members and adding more every week.
Bob, There are also members of chapters who are not promoting the CLUB for example this site.
Where it states....
"If you collect Silver Strikes and are interested in joining a club of strike collectors who share your interest, please print and fill out the application below. It is no longer a requirement to join the CC & GTCC (Casino Chip & Gaming Token Collectors Club) first. You will receive 6 newsletters annually; a membership roster is free for new members ($3 for old members)."
And how about another MEMBER's BUSINESS site that has MANY Collector links but does NOT include a link to the CLUB site, at:
*****"THIS IS JUST MY OPINION HERE aside from the current issue"***** but, I also just LOVE the use of the club logo on this site... You know the one that has the MEMBER # on it especially without a NAME on it. I think that beside's using the little cards with our Membership numbers they should also include the MEMBER'S NAME. With the use of the card in this manner, on this site (which is essentially 98% business related) it looks more like, "the business" that is the member of the CLUB and not an individual.
With the status of the membership situation, I expect that we will slowly see more and more chapters and members not even thinking to mention CC & GTCC.