Neal, Your statement:
"Two current board members, who are running for office have taken the I don't like slabbing but... attitude.
There is no room for buts.."
is a very unfair characterization of my position. I have stated on many occasions on this BB and in person that I am against slabbing and that I see no place for it in our hobby. I am in favor of educating the membership, not hiding the issue and banning the slabbers. I am working very hard to have our next magazine devoted to the slabbing issue and to have an educational slabbing seminar at the convention. One major road block to the slabbing seminar is the fear that some anti-slabbers will cause problems and not abide by the rules. I supported the anti-slabbers table at the Palace Station show through my donation.Many very good members, many who volunteer their time for this club and who are against slabbing have not signed the "pledge". This list, while perhaps well intentioned, is divisive.
I agree with your statement - "We have to stand strong and put a man in office who can make a difference and won't back down." - because that person is me. I will not back down in the face of the relentless push to ban. Many forget that the mission, which was established by Archie, Janice and the other founding members of this organization, is to educate. We should not seek to enhance the positions of any group. We should educate and then let the marketplace and the democratic process be the deciding factors.
My platform and agenda are multi-facited. I do not focus on just one issue, but on making this a great organization for all. I have the experience in business and life to bring people together, to find a concensus. I find it disheartening that we have so many vile disagreements in a hobby club. As President, I will work to bring all together for the good of the club and the hobby.
Thanks again for listening.
Nate Pincus