.....the bb, the members, and the messages across the general membership down the road. I had the same feelings when I posted my first message in the bb. I love the postings in the bb. Now I realize that they are healthy exercises of the mind from my fellow and chipping buddies. I focus my time reading the posts regularly. I gave up watching soap TV. Here in the bb we have real life drama with faces you know and real people who speak up because they believe their ideas must be put across the club members. They are not actors but they are acting in the best individual interest which in the long run enhances the club.They are writers of their own scripts. All of them are making and marching with the history of the club and the chips they are so proud to collect and talk about.
My sincere hope is that some one from the club membership is collecting all the posts since the bb started and someday will come out with the "history of the club" in vivid details to record the history as it happens through time. The posts will make up the facts. Let no chipper be left out. Let all chippers be heard. After all it is not the chip but the chipper that matters.
Good luck Woody. Please give it time. We will all see it during our life time.