>>>This anti slabbing is very childish, not professional and open to law-suit
It will divide the club more than help it on this issue
If you don't like the product, don't buy it.
but don't shove it down one's throat.
Only the minority are complaining, are they afraid of the
"Open to a lawsuit"? Exactly what would the basis of that suit be?
"Divide the club"? "Only the minority are complaining"? The vast majority of the chippers who have been heard on this issue have come out against slabbing. That is not divisive that is unifying. Although we may disagree on how best to fight slabbing every single one of us has the best interests of the Hobby at heart.
"If you don't like the product, don't buy it." Well then we agree. The free market should dictate the future of slabbing. Of course part of the free market is that people can exert economic pressure to alter the market place. That is what we are doing.
"don't shove it down one's throat." I agree, we are not talking about shoving anything down anyone's throat. We are simply talking about not doing business with people who do business in a way we do not like.
"are they afraid of the Competition"? What competition? Who are they supposedly competing against? I have never sold a chip except for face value, I am not a dealer i have no need to fear competetion.