In response to the above:
(1) When I said:
>>And all of this is in the face of the fact that throughout this country I don't know of any chapters where the
members do not belong to the nationals<< , note that the word "nationals" is plural. I was talking about other organizations in the U.S. where all of the chapter memebers are members of the national. I wasn't referring to the chip world. I wouldn't be surprised if a chip chapter has half of its members non-national.
(2) About the exceptions, in general, constitutions can't cover every conceivable situation. Constitution writers leave it up to boards and officers and the bylaws to fill in the blanks and cover exceptions and unexpected things. Why bother to tailor the amendment to a few people who happen to be old and poor and may have been in an organization that existed before the CCGTCC was formed or changed its rules? I am sure these are very nice people, but I get a headache hearing about this weird situation. Do whatever you want with these few people; no one cares. Try to keep it to yourselves..