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The Chip Board Archive 04

What happened to K.I.S.S.?
In Response To: Re: Yes it is Trav. ()

>>Where the issue is the payment of dues (And I still doubt that $20 dues is a significant issue for a significant number of collectors -- even old people who only collect $1 tokens from their local casinos) then the solution may be to find ways to reduce the burden. Whether through making a new category of member who doesn't receive the magazine and thus pays less dues or through reduced dues for people who show a finacial hardship, we can address that issue while still requiring membership.<<

Keep it simple, stupid! The current system ain't broke. Don't fix it!

Bob :-)

Messages In This Thread

VOTE "YES" --shorter, softer, outlined v
Stuff the semantics.....
Your are right on that Bob. EOM
Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
What happened to K.I.S.S.?
Re: What happened to K.I.S.S.?
Ah, Peter, check the archives ...
Re: Ah, Peter, check the archives ...
....just maybe, you are finally getting it....
I hope you fail!
Re: ...and if I do ...
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Re: Yes it is Trav.
Still missing it
Re: Still missing it
Re: VOTE "YES" --shorter, softer, outlin
Re: VOTE "YES" --shorter, softer, outlin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg