Allen, I am in agreement with you. I simply amazed that individuals gravitate towards one side of this issue or the other. I am not aware of anyone who has changed their position after listening to arguements on either side. This is a very tough problem and is only going to be settled by the vote.
This issue reminds of Federal vs. States rights. Our forefathers had enough insight to understand that the states need control over local issues, that it is not possible for the federal government to have a single set of laws for the entire country that would work. That is one of the reasons our government has survived for so long. CC>CC has to understand that the local chapters also need to be able to have control over local issued that effect them.
This weekend I began an effort to have the Chapter Presidents issue a joint unified statement on their opposition to the proposed amendment. I have not heard back from the Colorado Chapter yet, my note was send to Lee Bruton. If you can move this along to have the Colorado Chapter respond, I would appreciate it. So far 3 of the chapters have responded positively, no chapters have declined to participate.
Our unified message would be sent out locally by each chapter to its members and to chip collecting community at large through the Bulletin Board. Other suggestions are invited.