....and I wish someone would have taken a picture of you giving me a kiss on the neck Saturday! <G>
>>My own personal opinion is that every individual belonging to a chapter should be a CCGTCC member<<
It also my opinion, as it is the opinion of the current BOD of the Colorado Chapter. The KEY word is "should". Should and must are two different things.
The only fact that you left out of your history chronicle is that Colorado was an independent casino collectors club before the CCGTCC had any provisions for chapters, or for that matter, any chapters. We continued to meet every month after our charter was revoked, and the CCGTCC lost very few members of our local, even though the CCGTCC had basically told us that we weren't welcome as a group. We were definitely "In You Face" regarding a requirement that had been placed on our local members AFTER we became the first chapter. "In You Face" in this case was being honest about the members in our chapter and their status with the CCGTCC. We didn't cook the books to hide anything. We could have, but we didn't.
It was great seeing you and Brenda in Vegas!