John; Are you so naive to think that there is only ONE dealer selling slabbed chips? Check out a well-known coin shop in Las Vegas, who has been supplying some of the dealers who have purchased these slabs and who are now obviously reluctant to admit it. If they wish to remain annonymous, so be it. Some of us know who they are.
It will all come out in the end John. Patience, patience.
BTW: I would like to compliment one well-known chip dealer who supposedly ran two ICG representatives out of his store and reportedly has flatly turned down ICG's invitation to serve as an official grader. Had he succumbed to temptation and the almighty buck, can you imagine the high profile presentation that would have been made to hundreds of visitors into the Gambler's Book Store each day?
For those of you who have not seen Bill's fantastic highly visible location in the Gambler's Book store in Las Vegas.... it is smack dab in the middle of the store with about a dozen glass multiple-shelved show cases in a large rectangle display area; with very professionally laid-out NON SLABBED chips, tokens, silver strikes, etc. for sale and terrific photos and other memorabilia displayed overhead above the show cases.
Check it out next time you are in town. Thank you BILL AKEMAN!