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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: One last try.
In Response To: One last try. ()

Matt; I can live with your rules. I even abided by them. I have only one question to ask of you. Why didn't you simply delete the offending post that Coulport made? He's the one that used the A$$hole remark. He is a frequent user of your board and calling a novice coin collector a "Twit" because she asked a reasonable coin-related question was also uncalled for. Perhaps you might want to consider banning individual PEOPLE who offend, rather than deleting entire threads of controversial messages that are posted.... some of which were quite educational.

Messages In This Thread

Slabbing Issue on The Coin Club Board
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Re: Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Re: Slabbing Issue on The Coin Club Board
One last try.
Re: One last try.
Re: One last try.
Re: One last try.
Re: Rules change on a daily basis

Copyright 2022 David Spragg