Well, fine then. I can see that you all do not understand when I am trying to do at CoinClub.com and the type of board I am trying to run. At this point I can only say "uncle". I personally could care less about slabbing and have said on more than one occasion that what stays or goes on the CoinClub.com message board is my desicion alone and no one at ICG has ever asked me to remove a post.
For what ever reason, folks here can not accept that the posting rules on CoinClub.com are different than they are on theChipBoard.com. Remember, CoinClub.com is a Coin site and not a Chip site. If you do not like the rules at CoinClub.com, then please stay away. I have already wasted way too much time on this and can not afford much more.
So please, if you do not like the posting rules, stay away. I am very close to banning all slabbing posts from the board and living happily ever after.