... pledge and the incredibly positive response, particularly from members of the online chipping community! <g>
>> Why use the word "blame"? You should be proud to voice your convictions.
But, there was an implied criticism in your question (that is, that the pledge fails to adequately define the term "dealer"). Other posts have occasionally been critical of some particular aspect of the pledge or its use. I simply was trying to make the point that if there is a criticism, it should be directed to me rather than Andy.
>> The first line of the Pledge: "I will NOT buy any slabbed casino chip, token,
>> silver strike or other collectible", should read "other CASINO collectible",
>> should it not?
Absolutely right. The only reason it doesn't is ... oh, heck, just see the excuses in my previous post and insert them here! <g>
>> Also I would love to know the definition of a "dealer" as regards the Pledge.
>> If I sell one chip on eBay am I a dealer? If I sell one chip to another
>> collector am I a dealer? I believe that many of the signers of the Pledge may
>> not have thought the issue through. Bandwagon effect? Maybe.
I think this is something each of us will have to decide for himself (which is why I didn't try to define it when I wrote the pledge -- this was a conscious decision rather than and inadvertent omission! <g>). It is a self-enforcing promise in any event, so ultimately each has to decide for himself on the entire issue. For my own purposes, I would consider a "dealer" to be anyone does any of the following: (1) rents dealer table space at any chip show; (2) sells chips (or other casino collectibles) on eBay; (3) provides a new chip issue service; (4) sells chips (or other casino collectibles) by mail or through any other medium; or (5) considers himself a dealer.
Of course, that definition requires further refinement -- what does "sells" mean? (See why I didn't do this to begin with?) On that subject, I would say that someone who sells an occasional chip (perhaps as an alternative to trading because the potential trade partner has no suitable trader(s)) is NOT a dealer.
And what does "occasional" mean? <g> Damned if I know. One chip a day would not be occasional. One chip a week might or might not be. One chip a year would be occasional. So, once again, it comes down to each of us has to decide for himself.
>> I must admit it... YES!... the idea of slabbing chips puts me off.
>> I like to handle these little pieces of clay. I love to bring a new
>> chip to work and show it off.
Good reasons to sign the pledge! <g>
>> But, I haven't seen so much bad blood on this BB since the Tiger Chip
>> issue a couple of years ago. That was ugly with a capital U.
At least this issue is IMPORTANT enough to warrant strong feelings -- with which comes, sometimes, bad blood. Actually, for the most part, I think the conversation has been fairly civil, rational and respectful. A few exceptions, of course, but overall not bad.
>> I have a feeling that soon someone is going to say, "You haven't signed
>> the Pledge? I'm not going to trade chips with YOU!" And THAT is what
>> really worries me. Not the trade, of course, but the attitude.
Not the intention of the pledge, Dave, but of course it is possible that some of us might not even want to trade with someone we know to be trafficking <G> in slabbed chips! However, as I have said before, the pledge is intended to be self-enforcing. That is, I made a promise. It's up to me to keep it. Ditto everyone else.
----- jim o\-S
(to steal yet another idea from someone else:
"Living Slab-Free in California")