Hi Jim:
Why use the word "blame"? You should be proud to voice your convictions.
The first line of the Pledge: "I will NOT buy any slabbed casino chip, token, silver strike or other collectible", should read "other CASINO collectible", should it not?
Also I would love to know the definition of a "dealer" as regards the Pledge. If I sell one chip on eBay am I a dealer? If I sell one chip to another collector am I a dealer? I believe that many of the signers of the Pledge may not have thought the issue through. Bandwagon effect? Maybe.
I must admit it... YES!... the idea of slabbing chips puts me off. I like to handle these little pieces of clay. I love to bring a new chip to work and show it off. (Everyone already KNOWS I'm a little weird anyway. In fact when I come in smiling everyone knows that I already stopped at the Post Office & my mail was chips. They call it a "Chipday". <g>) But, I haven't seen so much bad blood on this BB since the Tiger Chip issue a couple of years ago. That was ugly with a capital U. I have a feeling that soon someone is going to say, "You haven't signed the Pledge? I'm not going to trade chips with YOU!" And THAT is what really worries me. Not the trade, of course, but the attitude.
My best to you Jim,
Dave Smith in NH