According to the ICG grading scheme (and I use "scheme" in both meanings of the word) there are 11 numerical grades for a chip above "AU" or almost uncirculated. In other words, an "uncirculated" chip may be an MS-60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 or 70. I don't think it's possible, even with a magnifying glass or microscope to reliably distinguish 11 levels of an uncirculated chip.
If ICG would like to demonstrate their reliability by grading 100 chips between MS-60 and MS-70, then mixing them up and regrading them, with all 100 regrading to the same number (using a double-blind scientifically rigorous testing method), THEN I'll believe they have a valid system.
However, don't hold your breath. 3rd party grading & slabbing is just a waste of the collector's time and money in chip collecting. We don't want it & we don't need it!