Well at least we have your first name--how about your last. Your professed reason for slabbing is not a valid reason. While it is true that there are some reproductions around, you'll find that info in The Chip Rack. If you are a high end buyer we have a number of very knowledgeable people that can help you with authenticity. Finally, suppose you buy this $1,000 high end slabbed chip-why do you think the slabber knows anything more about authenticity than many of the us hobbiests. The major problem with high end chips is not authenticity but the number of chips available. Do you honestly believe that a slabbing companyh is going to tell you that your chip is now rather common? Frankly, Greg W., I doubt that you are a chip hobbiest--but if in fact you are and your two posts reflect an honest if naive statement of the value of slabbing, then I strongly urge your read the many previous posts that identify this poison for what it is. If you are new, welcome to the hobby, join the club, and help us fight slabbing.
"I will pay for this service and allow someone with more knowledge to handling the grading of my chips. I do not want to get ripped off on a purchase of casino chips."