.......with anyone trying to make money putting on a chip show. In fact I think it is necessary, because if they don't make something, they're not going to do it again.
That said, I find a degree of disingenuous posturing by the promoter of the Superbowl show. Charge the dealers for the tables, charge the attendees at the door, charge the collectors what ever he wants for promotional chips, but be upfront and honest about his intentions. If he wants to set these shows up to make money, say so!
I've had enough experience promoting music to know that I needed to make money doing it to keep doing it. I got into that arena because I love music. However, I didn't pretend that I was promoting or producing concerts just to provide the product to other music lovers just because I love music. I was in it to make money.
.....and did it without putting someone down for how he makes an honest living. Those are the problems I have with Rene.
See ya soon my friend!!!
Bob :-)