... my response to your comments?
I will take it that it is. Here's how I responded to Paul:
>> > I agree with you Jim, but not for your reasons.
>> H'm, and exactly what do you think my reasons are, Paul?
>> > Ken Starr chickened out.
>> I agree!
>> > He left that SOB draft dodging prevaricating pervert get away scott
>> > free. I cannot think of anyone else in the history of mankind that
>> > could have gotten away with what Clinton did ...
>> Well, actually, we've had a few others in the White House
>> who are/were little better and some worse. See my post
>> about Rating the Presidents which I just put on the board.
>> > ... and let him walk away grinning, laughing at the American
>> > public, and still not having to admit he lied under oath.
>> He finally did admit that, sort of, as part of this latest
>> deal to avoid responsibility for his actions. I also think
>> he abused his pardon power to help his friends.
BTW, though I didn't put this in my email, I have to add that what Richard Nixon did while president was far worse than anything Bill Clinton even dreamend about.
On the subject of the historians rating the presidents, Paul asked:
>> And just who are these self proclaimed historians? Name me one of these
>> academia individuals who lean toward the right. I'm surprised they don't
>> have Clinton and Carter ranked #1 and #2 and in that order.
Actually, I'm sure the names of the individual historians would be pretty meaningless to all of us. But, doesn't the fact that Clinton and Carter are NOT #1 and #2 tell us that perhaps, as a group, they arent' the liberal cabal you think they are, Paul?
They ranked modern Republicans (that is, starting with Lincoln) #1, #5 and #9.
They ranked modern Democrats (using the same starting point) #2, #6 and #7.
Looks pretty much like a stand off there (if this was a cross-country race, it would be a tie at 15! <g>).
And, as I said, if the poll were done now, I suspect that Clinton's ranking would go down (perhaps even below Reagan and Ford! <g>).
>> I don't know just what kind of president George W. will be, but in this case,
>> I sure was ready to throw out the muddy water before I got some clean clean
>> water to replace it.
Can't say I disagree with that sentiment. I just hope we got "clean clean" water (though I wouldn't be making any wagers on it). ----- jim o\-S