I was sent the very same e-mail last week from hahaha@sexyfun.net & it set off Norton Anti Virus pronto. NAV said it's a worm called "W95.Hybris.gen". It is the only virus I have ever received that I couldn't figure out who sent it to me. Click the link below for more info.
On the subject of eliminating SPAM, if you have read any Usenet newsgroups, you probably saw e-mail addresses with the phrase NOSPAM or some other similar phrase in the middle of the e-mail address they post in the message. For example, my e-mail address would be billnictNOSPAM@swbell.net If someone wanted to reply to my post, they would click on the e-mail address in the message they are viewing, an e-mail composition window would open up & then you would remove the NOSPAM from the e-mail address, write your message & send it.
The way I understand some of the SPAMMERS work, is they set up a computer,I think it's called a crawler, to scan newsgroups, webpages, etc.. & harvest e-mail addresses. The SPAMMER then sends their SPAM to all the e-mail addresses that have been harvested & the ones that have NOSPAM in the address end up bouncing & you don't get the junk in your mailbox.
Bill R-4581