... to decide for him (or her) self, Greg. As I have said before, this pledge is intended solely as a statement of personal preference. Each of us will have to decide what level of sales involvement constitutes being a "dealer".
For some, it will mean only those who regularly sell chips at shows, over the internet or as new chip services. For others, it will mean anyone who sets up a table at the convention (perhaps only for the duration of the convention). For some it may mean anyone who sells chips, even occasionally.
I am not suggesting how anyone should decide this issue, just as I am not suggesting whether or not anyone should sign the list to begin with.
One point of the pledge was and is precisely what you said:
>> I think it is meant to let chip dealers know that if they
>> begin to deal in slabbed chips they will lose some customers.
The other (and more important) point was to make a statement to ICG and anyone else contemplating the slabbing of chips that WE ARE NOT INTERESTED. And will use our economic influence to make the point.
It was not my intention to set collectors against each other. Rather, I hoped to bring collectors together against what I perceive to be a detrimental development in our hobby. I regret that some have seen the pledge and the list as a divisive collector against collector issue.
That being said, I stand by the pledge, welcome anyone who cares to join the list and hold no animosity against any collector who chooses for his own reasons not to sign, or even to collect slabbed chips. I just hope that doesn't become a readily available alternative. ----- jim o\-S