Larry; I'm not as well versed on the techinical workings of my computer as many others are on this board.... but to answer your question, I'm using Windows Me operating system that came with my new computer only a couple of months old and the Outlook Express program for my email.
As soon as I click on to the name of the sender and subject (either via left or right click of my mouse button) the email message automatically comes up in the bottom half of my monitor for reading. The upper half of the monitor list all the previous and current emails that either I have not read yet, or ones that have not been deleted yet. I have no choice except to right click to delete or right click and open the message that appears in the bottom half of the monitor. I will send you the name of the sender privately as I don't wish to cause him any unnecessary embarassment. He has since fixed his problem (which I'm grateful for). My McAfee anti-virus program detected the infection I had received and I was able to delete it from my files.