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The Chip Board Archive 04

Donohue $1 Chip RR 8, 9 & 10

Three Non-Altlantic City $1 chip round robins will be mailed tomorrow. List of participants is below. There is still time to signup for the fourth round robin. There are a few spots left. Send me an email if you are not already on one of these three.

Paul Donohue Non-Atlantic City $1 Chip Round Robin #8
Sunday Silverman, CA 0300 6000 0001 4254 0647
Christine Delfuoco, MI
Rick Robillard, MA
Luke Rapley, GA
Donna Karli, NV.
Charles Kaplan, NY
John Long, AZ
Leonidas S.Tan, NJ
Clyde Bailey, OR
Paul Donohue, MD

Paul Donohue Non-Atlantic City $1 Chip Round Robin #9
Amy Andrae, KY 0300 6000 0001 4254 0630
Gabriel Vallido, CA
Ron Leis ,NJ.
Jim Follis AZ
Doug Cundiff, MI
Pat Lamb, CO
R. K. Covington, Ca
Michael Richter, FL
George Roddewig, WI
Paul Donohue, MD

Paul Donohue Non-Atlantic City $1 Chip Round Robin #10
Mark Menke, MO 0300 6000 0001 4254 0623
Toni Bailey, OR
Gene Bertcher, TX
Mark Chipman, IN
Kevin Behrens, GA
Wayne Thompson, KY
Thom Williamson, MS
Joe Benon ,Ca.
Daryl Lamb, CO
Jim Fredrickson, OR
Paul Donohue MD

Copyright 2022 David Spragg