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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
In Response To: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip ()

Hi Jim,

>>>I'm confused. Not the first time and not the last, but maybe someone can help me out.....? <<<

Don't be confused. It's really very simple <g>.

>>>During the last great Convention, I, like many others, picked up the $5 Las Vegas Thunderbird issue offered by Nevadamint (Rene,
Richard and Steve (at that time)). Today, while going through the Illinois Illegals at the, I found a listing for a
Thunderbird. Several chips were identified, including the same $5 Thunderbird (but drilled). As the first several chips of this Illinois
Thunderbird stated that they were not "confirmed", I was curious why such a disclaimer is not used for the $5 chip. <<<

What a surprise! This $5.00 chip could not be from the Thunderbird in Las Vegas. I am not going to go into the reasons AGAIN. It's kinda like the EPC arrowdie; you know the Ernie Primm Club Club <vbg>.

>>>Is is a Thunderbird Illinois chip? I know that no one confirms that it is a Thunderbird Las Vegas chip, but does this rule out that

In my opinion, it NEVER was considered by me or others who know their Nevada chips to be from Nevada.

>>Enquiring minds want to know. BTW-Scan is courtesy of the Use link below to go there.<<<

I can't wait to get you in the clubs poker tournament. If you bought the baloney that this was a Vegas chip - I should be able to steal a few pots from you <lol>.

>>>Thanks, Jim F.<<<

Your Welcome, Jim P.

Messages In This Thread

Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
Re: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
Re: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
Re: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
Re: Q. Regarding T-Bird Chip
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Re: Q. T-Bird Chip $25 chip... anyone?

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