I'm starting $1 chip round robins. How many depends on the number of people that signup by tomorrow evening. No more than four round robins. No Atlantic City chips in these round robins! The rules are below. Send me an email if interested.
Paul LM3935-18
Donohue Round Robin #8 Non-Atlantic City Rules & Information
1. $1.00 chips only. $1 NCV chips are acceptable.
2. The round robin started with 30 chips.
3. Take as many chips as you want and replace them with an equal number of $1 chips.
4. No Atlantic City Chips are to be put in the round robin.
5. No duplicate chips are to be put in the round robin
6. No Roulette Chips are to be put in the round robin.
7. Chips must not be broken, cracked, have nicks or be in poor condition
8. Fill out the enclosed form to indicate the chip(s) you took and the replacement chip(s)
9. Ship the package by USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation in the chip tubes provided with all the documentation and mailing labels to the next person on the list within 2 days of receipt.
10. Post a message on The Chipboard when you receive and ship to the next person. The message must state Donohue Round Robin #8, who you received the package from, who you mailed it to, the day/date, the number of chips taken and the delivery confirmation number. This is an important courtesy so all participants can keep track of the round robin.
11. Anyone that can not post to The Chipboard for some reason must contact me so I can post the information. I can be reached at the email addresses or telephone numbers listed below.
12. Notify me upon signup if you will be gone for a week or more in the next 2 months. I will schedule you before or after your trip. This will still allow you to play and not slow down the round robin.
13. Do not signup if you are not willing to follow ALL the rules. Any rule violations will eliminate the offender from participation in my future round robins.
14. Feedback is welcome! Send me the comments or post them to The Chipboard. Any suggestions to improve future round robins will be appreciated.
15. My trade list is available upon request. I have more of each of the chips that started the round robin and many others.
16. Enjoy!! I hope everyone finds chips they need.
Paul Donohue CC>CC LM 3935-18
11209 Alton Rd
Frederick MD 21701
Home: donohuep@erols.com
301-898-5467 or 8182
Work: Paul.Donohue@ft-detrick.af.mil