If you have any of the following $1 chips for trade, let me know via email. I would like to trade for any and all the chips listed.
All the following are $1 chips that I need unless otherwise noted.
Isle of Capri - Marquette, IA
Isle of Capri - Kansas City, MO (50 cent and $1)
Belterra - IN
Casino Apache - Mescelera, NM
Casino Apache - Mescelera, NM (50 cent 12-suits mold)
Scotia Prince Casino - Portland, ME (Flooting Fleet Casinos)
Shoalwater Bay - Tokeland, WA (No squares around inlay)
Gila River - Chandler/Laveen, AZ (No Cash Value)
Leisure Casino Cruises - Gloucester, MA
Horizon's Edge - Lynn, MA
Argosy Casino - Baton Rouge, LA (50 cent unicorn)
Paradise - Fort Yuma, AZ (50 cent)
Castaways - New one
Flamingo - New one
Four Queens - The Real Millennium
Four Queens - New Years 2001
Four Queens - The Strip (October 2000)
Four Queens - Millennium (House mold)
Sante Fe Station
Speedway (25 cent and $1)
Terrible's Town - (with Liberty Bell on inlay)
Terrible's - Las Vegas
Luke R-3867
If you like the chip pictured below, it is currently up for sale on Ebay.