Just having some fun,So don't get bent all out of shape.
Don't you think this slabbing thing has been beat to death. And how about this banning issue what will these politically movated dick heads think of next.
Maybe a ban on selling ashtrays or matchbooks at the convention and why not ban
Italians or Red Necks from entering the convention floor were does it end. And
how about this list of Andy's about 179 of them now. I would bet my life that about 178 would sell a high end chip for a large profit if the buyer insisted
that the chip be slabbed. How the hell do you think slabbing got started in the first place give me a break. And how about FUN hobby thing we here so much about. Just look at all the FUN these guys have at the HardRock on new issue day
on line for hours with there whole family and a bunch of paid buyers to suck the cage dry just so we can have FUN paying the inflated price. Can't blame them we
buy em, After that's the FUN part of this great hobby.
Have a FUN time in this wonderful FUN hobby, John Massimiani