The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180

Hi Scott; Thanks for your demonstration of personal support against chip slabbing by adding your name to Andy's list. Yours is a good question that has been asked by several of my A.C. new issues subscribers who are not on-line. This list, as far as I'm concerned, is simply a pledge on an individual's part, much like a New Year's Resolution. I don't think for a minute that everyone on that list will keep their pledge 100%. If you unwittingly purchase chips from someone, via the internet ... like on ebay for example ..... and you are not aware that this individual is trading in slabbed chips .... I personally see no problem with it as you've acted in good faith honoring your personal pledge.

However, I would say that if Joe Blow in middle Montanta is dealing in slabbed chips along with non-slabbed chips and it is not generally known, I see nothing wrong with letting folks know that fact. I'm sure that someone who disagrees with me will offer a different opinion before the day is over.... and that's o.k. too. It's called "education".

Messages In This Thread

We now have 179 on the list.........
Re: We now have 179 on the list.........
Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180
Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180
When I formulated the pledge ...
Re: When I formulated the pledge ...
"THE LIST" and what it really is...
Re: "THE LIST" and what it really is...
Re: "THE LIST" and what it really is...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg