I have sat back here and read all the messages and responses to this new scourge on the chip board (SLABBING), now I will say that I am not in Favor nor am I Against how people make their money in this hobby or how they collect their chips, for all I care they can be wrapped in a blue hanky tied with string or loose in the bottom of the cardboard box, I really don't give a rat's.
All I know is that I collect chips for the beauty of the chip, who might have used the chip, what part of the world it is from and just to find out how many different types of chips are available.
This is why I joined the CCGTCC to learn about different chips from all over the world, from you people who have been collecting and researching these items for years, and also to swap chips from Australia to the different areas of the world.
I just think it is a shame that because of this issue that has presented itself to our hobby we have come down to cat calling and in fighting between factions in this great hobby of ours.
If I have offended anyone then I apologise, but let me say thank goodness for freedom of speech.