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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180

Andy & Archie:

You can put me on the list. - BUT,

How do I know when I buy a chip over the internet from a collector/dealer - that it is a person not selling slabbed chips as well as non-slabbed chips?

Suppose someone finds out Joe Blow, a dealer/collector living in the middle of Montana, is selling slabbed chips as well as regular chips. Is this person going to be singled out as well as others selling Slabbed chips and put a list?

Scott Harmon R-4940

Messages In This Thread

We now have 179 on the list.........
Re: We now have 179 on the list.........
Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180
Re: We now have 179 on the list........./180
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Re: When I formulated the pledge ...
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Re: "THE LIST" and what it really is...
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