........who say:
I will NOT buy any slabbed chip.
I will NOT have any slabbed chip in my collection.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who sells slabbed chips.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who grades chips for a slabbing service.
I will NOT do business of any kind with any dealer who participates in any way in the slabbing of chips.
They are:
Jim Reilly R-3606
Gene Trimble R-2192
Andy Hughes R-2471
Paul Sax R-4423
Roy Baldwin R-4155
John Massimiani R-2775
Archie Black LHM-1 (Past President of the Casino Chips & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club for 11 years!)
Brenda Black CH-1A
Jim Perlowski R-2848
Rena Perlowski R-3382
Don Covello R-971
Jim Episale R-2824
Fred Bergman R-421
Tom Leggio R-4002
Bob Gabel R-2135
Scott Brodsky R-424
Al W. Moe (Pending)
Jerry Birl LM-27
Barry Hauptman R-4196
Mike Canterbury
Mike Quinlivan R-3194
Bob Orme R-3576
Duke Eyman R-3177
Dave Nelson R-3191
George Dmitrevsky R-125
Neal Silverman R-1379 (Contributing Editor for Casino Player Magazine)
Travis Lewin R-111
Jim Kruse R-632 (Past President of the Kansas City Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Debi Kruse R-632A
Steve Soden R-654
Steve Passalacqua CH-44
Jerry O'Neal CH-88 (Past President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Janice O'Neal CH-8 (Past Vice-President of the Casino Chips & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club for 9 years!)
Bruce Karli R-5012
Donna Karli R-5012A
Tom Plawski R-4894
Anne Plawski R-4894A
Marc Shapiro R-2871
Dick Brach R-0761 (President of the Atlantic City Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Bruce Landau CH-2 (Treasurer of the CC & GTCC from 1988 to 1993)
Sunday Silverman R-4065A
Greg Hale R-4065
Robert Pardue CH-3 (CC & GTCC Librarian)
Walt Gonski R-1502
Bob Hermans R-4479
Greg Susong R-2120
Robert Touts R-4583
Steve Zacchi R-4686
Mark Erickson R-4661
Dick Covington R-967
Dale Horyna R-4704
David Moore R-4214
Jay Sands R-4390
Charles Kaplan R-2558 (President of the New York Metro Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
George Conrad R-2830
Liz Conrad R-2830A
Jill Bitner R-4943
Carmelo Schembre R-3093
Dwight 'Skip' Harouff R-4338
Kyle Gorman R-4626
Bob Reno R-2878
Norm Botoshe R-3990
Steve Piccolo R-821
Gary Tucker R-0815
Rich Hodges R-4210
Allan Anderson R-2927
Dan Clark R-4036
Bob Whiteman R-2498
Don Anderson R-4288
Larry Spiegel
Chuck Tomarchio R-377 (Past Treasurer of the CC & GTCC - 1992-1998)
Fran Alejandre
Allan Myers CH-27 (Co-author of The Gaming Table & The Chip Rack)
Bernie Sloan R-4557
Steve Goodrich R-306
Josh Shore R-4238
Chuck Smorse R-3632
Pete Rizzo
Brian Bishop R-2892
Mike Herhold R-4067
Donna Herhold R-4067A
Albert Scalzo LM-2 (President of the Great Lakes Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Jim Gardner R-3803
Betty Gardner R-3803A
Peter Sanders R-4182
Doug Cundiff R-3782 (Vice-President of the Great Lakes Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Mike Spinetti R-2136
Joe Fiore R-2451
Marty Kaplan R-3634 (Contributing Editor for Casino Player Magazine)
Pat Lamb R-1714
Daryl Lamb R-1714A
Bob Cunningham R-873
Charlie Wasson R-4184
Shawn Anderson R-4562
David Owens R-4744
Irwin Gross R-130
Clinton Boyle R-2432
Michael Ludwig R-3126
Rich Figarotta R-1593
Larry Nitz R-2806
Rose Nitz R-2806A
Katie Smith R-4356
Amy Andrae R-3605 (President of the Ohio River Valley Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Rick Andrae R-3605A (Secretary of the Silver Strikes Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Pete Porro R-1040
Keith Reeves R-4601
Carole Reeves R-4601A
Robert Ensley R-1919
Steve Blust R-4120 (Vice-President of the Nor-Cal-Nev Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Dave Bingham R-5020
D. Todd Desnoyers R-5037
Paul Liscio R-2949
Rick Robillard R-3515
Lee Robillard R-3615A
Chuck Smith R-3476 (President of the Midwest Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Elaine Martello R-4383
Eric Chizum R-4412
Walt Dibeler R-4506
George Barclay R-4052
Harold Sauer R-4097
Robert Quental R-4197
Gait Heutink R-3926
Bryan Jimison R-4813
Bob Ginsburg R-1229
Tyrus Mulkey LM-2211-21 (Secretary of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Jack Heiman R-2905
Howard Pryor R-2853
Don Kessler R-507
Richard A. Fellman R-3881
Alan Borenstein R-1611
Dick Allard R-536 (CC & GTCC Club Promotions Chairman)
John Rudden R-513
Sal D. Rubino R-4013
Dennis Zeller R-1278
Al Kleindienst R-2536
Jerry Maassen
Gil Lovell R-4440
Mike Skelton LHM-1003 (CC & GTCC Convention Chairman 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998)
Ann Skelton R-1003A
Robert Montebello R-337
Bill Thompson R-4581
Ron Piltzer (Pending)
Andrea Moericke R-3944 (Director At Large of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Nick Moericke R-3944A (Vice-President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Larry "Flash" Betker R-2308
Fran Betker R-2308A
Paul Fortner R-3515
Mary Lee Fortner R-3515A (Past President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Walter Tarby R-574
Tony Tricoli R-2084
Carey Burke R-1095
Leroy Zaslawsky R-3139
Andrea Zaslawsky R-3139A
Harry White R-1389
Richard Schachet R-3223
Jerry Ulmer R-4720
Tricia Narhi R-4619
John R. Riggins R-2487
Jess Lucero R-4500
Doug Spear R-4079
Tom Hitselberger R-343
Carl Cole R-4711
Richard Price R-4206
Michael Knapp CH-7 (Secretary of the CC & GTCC from 1988-1998 & Co-author of TGT & TCR)
Jim Cassidy R-1221
Carl Shalit R-3075
Steve Conroy R-5030
Art Dietze R-3741
Dave Claseman R-3397
Sean Reilly R-3606A
Don Conrad R-2585
Marie Austin
Eugene Graze R-3584
Paul Murphy R-3706
Jack Valente R-1451
Linda Weisenstein R-2623
Ryan Pedro (Pending)
Russell Bailey R-5038
Lois Tessmer R-3121
If you would like your name added to the list because you also feel the same way please let us know! Andy - Las Vegas