if elected my job is to do what is best in the long run for the club. I am not running for office for monetary gain nor for the "glory". I am running for office because I am able and consider it an obligation to give something back to a hobby that helped me through some rough times. I would consider it an obligation to propose a resolution banning slabbed chips at club venues such as the convention and at club auctions, because I believe that the slabbing of chips in the long term will be detrimental to the hobby. I do not propose a ban on slabbed chips in peoples collections OR in anything that they do outside of OUR bourse floor and outside of our auction. John I have long considered you my mentor in this hobby and have the utmost respect for your knowledge and opinions regarding the collecting and researching of casino memorabilia and of the History of both legal casinos and illegals casinos. However on this matter I must respectfully disagree with your opinion. We do not need the slabbers of the world to invade our hobby. We do have the strength to ban them from our venues and if elected ban them I will. If the majority of the membership believes me wrong, well they can vote me out as easily as they can vote me in.