We need to get with the casinos to ask them their thinking, and we need to get with our chip manufacturers and ask them their thinking as well. We need to get with the gaming/gift catalogers who have circulation runs in the tens of thousands. We need to go out in the countryside to meet this head on. We need to advertise where they advertise and introduce our thinkng to whomever they are targeting. Are we able to do this as a club? I know what it costs me to advertise in 57-publications around the world. Will the club be willing to pay 20X what I do for my 1X1 ads? Or do we just punish eachother for what's going on outside of our little world by not accepting reality. Im just as lost, believe me....and just as angry, too, that we have to take it out on our fellow chipper who may want to feel free to do whatever is legal to do on the convention floor, in our club magazine and via our club auction.
I know one thing for sure, I'm sure glad we got John Yee, and I'm sorry for falling into Perlowski's web and addressing John as I did a few months ago as to him kissing up to some board members. John showed me I was wrong...and he showed othes, they, too, were wrong.
I'm sorry, John.