First of all let me say two things.
1. I'm glad I was away for the weekend... otherwise this thread would have been three times as long as it presently is... because I probably would have jumped in on it from the beginning and everybody would be been subjected to rebuttals to rebuttals to rebuttals.
2. Now that I've had the opportunity to say nothing and read what everyone else who had the balls to reply to the professionals had to say; most of the rebuttals I would have offered have already been posted, so there is no need for me to respond to any post already made... pro or con... other than to repeat one more time....
If there are those who desire to collect, trade, sell, slabbed chips; no one has the power to prevent anyone from doing whatever they want outside of a club sponsored activity. On the other hand, the elected club officers (as a matter of club policy) are authorized and have the power to put into effect, measures that IN THEIR OPINION which THEY FEEL are detrimental to the hobby that would allow the restriction of the sale, trade, buying of those items at the club's annual three day convention and club auction, and prohibit the advertisment of such items in the club's magazine. Are there some club members who oppose this authorization? Sure there are.... and if they feel that strongly about an issue, maybe some of them should consider running for club office to make those important decisions. The club membership decdides every two years who they want to best represent them. That is what an election is all about.
This policy matter requires no expenditure of membership dues money and would not require the approval of the membership before adopting such a measure.... in my humble opinion. Certainly the club membership's opinions could be taken into consideration before deciding on such a policy matter.
I still find it incredible that not one person has come out in favor of slabbing to the question I posed several days ago on this bb and also on the club message board. And because of that fact, I still don't understand why this issue has reached the personal animosity levels that it has. One could make the assumption that there are very few individuals (who do represent a cross section of the club membership on this bb and the club bulletin board) who are in favor of slabbing vs. those who are adamantly opposed.
It's equally amazing (to me)to read that some posters have indicated that perhaps individuals were reluctant to post their true feelings because they would get their head chopped off, but these same individuals are not afraid of getting their "head chopped off" when posting about other controversial matters. I don't believe that we have a bunch of wimps on this bb. Quite the contrary. Most folks are very outspoken and are willing to state their candid opinions.... and that's healthy. Others seem to delight in confrontations of individuals, even when their viewpoints are not that far apart from those to whom they are responding. Those who wish to remain silent on the issue are perfectly within their rights to do so, but then how can anyone know what their viewpoints are on this or any other matter? YOUR INFLUENCE COUNTS.... USE IT!
May I also respectfully ask of those who think that "education" is the answer to this dilema, how they propose to go about educating those who are not privy to the messages posted here .... or is that simply to be left up to the newly elected club officers to do all of the educating ..... while the rest of us continue doing our own thing .... which in all probability is NOTHING, but to put on a good front and talk a good game.