Jim, thanks for your thoughtful response. I appreciate your clarifications, and should say that my original post wasn't directed toward you or any other particular collector. I'd seen a number of trial baloons floated about!
I still disagree. Prohibiting chip dealers from selling something that collectors want (IF they want them) in a club show is something I can't support. Ultimately that's my point, and that's what I meant when I said the marketplace will decide.
I may occasionally engage in hyperbole to make my point, and I've been known to advance an argumentum ad horribilum on occasion (an inside joke with Jim, everyone), but unless all board actions are now going to be subject to a vote of the membership, "the Club" can indeed take action not supported by the membership.
It's very encouraging to see the depth and breadth of the debate on this issue. I think we - as well as Greg and the Club Board - are doing exactly what we're all espousing: educating collectors!