The other day I came across this chip that is really giving me pause. Both price guides list an identical chip (expect for the color--this one is blue, the one in either book is black) coming from the Doghouse in Reno. You can see the one I found is overstamped, and the overstamping is the same as another "Ray's" chip I have from the 1940s in Idaho. But the mystery deepens--there were several "Doghouse" casinos in both Idaho and Nevada, and The Gaming Table shows that the same person (Marvin Trenkle) owned them. Is this an example of the chip moving with the owner, or perhaps the practice, common back in the old days, of overstamping chips from a closed casino and using them at another location. Further, the Idaho clubs were never very particular about the looks of the chips they used (the yellow chip in the scan is from a club in Boise in the early 50s) since all the games were technically "illegal", so I can see where someone may have gotten ahold of a box of Doghouse chips and simply stamped them for their own use. Help! Thanks, steve