Well I thought it was a go with Greyhound but the dimensions exceed their limits.
I am buying a Craps Table. Got it for $60 ($50 + $10 handling) on Ebay. I think its an excellent buy even if I have to pay substantial shipping.
anyway the length is 68" and the other dimensions put it out of USPS's limits. It weighs 76 pounds.
So I called USAIR as suggested by someone, and their quote was even less than Greyhound's. They don't care about the dimensions, although it may delay arrival since it will have to wait until it finds a flight with the space.
So I contacted the seller to see if they are willing or able to transport it from Pompano Beach to Ft. Lauderdale (for an additional fee of course they wanted 420 to the greyhound station which still would save me $80).
If anyone has any other suggestions regarding getting this thing from there to here, let me know.