>>>Our club "should" discourage slabbing
without banning it.<<<
Right now, "our club" seems to be content with doing NOTHING! It is only through efforts by individual members who are calling attention (translated; education) to this problem, that even you have said you oppose John.
Education is a neatly packaged buzz-word that sounds like somebody is doing something about a particular problem. We have drug education .... yet drug abuse continues. We have anti-smoking education campaigns ... yet people keep on smoking. We have education regarding the benefits of excersize and heart disease education ... yet people continue to sit on their duffs and keep the fast-food hamburger joints in businesses... and force feeding it to their kids because it's convenient to do so. We have education on how important it is to vote .... yet 50% of the U.S. registered voters in this country failed to excercize their privilege in the last elections.... and the entire country blames Florida.
Sorry John. Education is only a very small part to this problem. It may have an effect on a few fence-sitters.... but it is activism that gets the job done. It takes people who are willing to get active and DO SOMETHING; not simply shrug it off to the club "educating" it's members. Reminds me of the old story about buying a deprived person a book and teaching him/her how to read. What do they do, they rip the pages out and wipe their a.. with them. It's great to sit on the sidelines and say, "Educate". Truth is, it's not effective.
When, or IF, this anti-slab campaign fails, there will be those who will remind us, "what did the club do about it?" "The Club" is its individual members.
NOW is the time to do something about it; not after the damage is done.