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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: On feedback
In Response To: On feedback ()

>>>>As for the statement, "Bad picture quality," I scarcely know how to respond. I invite you to re-examine the item description: "Film by director of Safe and Velvet Goldmine. Story of life and death of Karen Carpenter, as told with dolls. VHS. Good transfer. Super-rare. A must-have for any film buff!"

As you see, I stated that the tape was a "good transfer," and I stand firm on this assertion. I did not say it was an "excellent transfer" or a "perfect transfer." I promised a "good transfer," and I delivered.<<<<

Jay; Thanks for the change of pace link to this bloke's jarring, negative feed-back, experience .... but from where I sit, he made at least two mistakes.

First he termed his item "Super-Rare" .... and everyone knows where that will lead us. <g> Secondly he got into a grading system .... promising a "good transfer" then mentioning two superlative grading terms in the same paragraph (Excellent Transfer and Perfect Transfer) <g>

See how a grading system and the use of the word "rare" can get an otherwise seemingly good-intentioned chap into a heap of big trouble? <vbg>

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On feedback
Re: On feedback

Copyright 2022 David Spragg