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The Chip Board Archive 04

PayPal in effect charging 1.9% to all recipients ?

Tell me if I understand this correctly. I have quoted PayPal rules below.

PayPal seems to have changed its rules again for those with personal accounts. Is this the situation?:
(a) there is no problem receiving funds via PayPal if the sender got his funds from a bank transfer or his existing PayPal account;
(b) if you receive over $100 in PayPal funds from aggregate credit cards in any month, you must upgrade your PayPal status to a Premier account, and thus pay 1.9% plus 30 cents for ALL receipts thereafter !?!

Here are the rules:

"In order to reduce the cost of processing credit card transactions for accounts that do not pay

fees, PayPal has introduced a new limit on Personal Accounts: a $100 per month limit on

receiving credit card payments. Payments funded from the sender's bank accounts or

existing PayPal account balance will not count against the recipient's limit.

When your Personal Account exceeds the $100 per month receiving limit you will no longer be

able to receive credit card payments unless you upgrade to a Premier account. Credit card

payments sent to your account in excess of the limit will be held as "pending" until you choose to

either accept the payment by upgrading or return it to the sender by refusing the payment. If

your account has exceeded the $100 per month receiving limit, you will still be able to receive

payments funded from a bank account or existing PayPal account balance, but not from credit

card payments.

If you upgrade to a Premier Account, you'll receive a range of premium features in addition to

the ability to accept unlimited credit card payments. And the fees on incoming payments are low

- just 1.9%* + 30¢ to receive payments. See our fee schedule and compare us with other


To ensure that you can always receive credit card payments - and to take advantage of our

premium features - upgrade to a Premier Account today!

*Blended rate calculated based on a hypothetical merchant with 50% credit card and 50% non credit card

transactions. "

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PayPal in effect charging 1.9% to all recipients ?
Re: PayPal in effect charging 1.9% to all recipien

Copyright 2022 David Spragg