The monthly meeting was held last night.
Jim Perlowski put on a nice talk about the slabbing issue.
Many attendees had not even heard of the issue.
No one stated they were for slabbing but a number have the wait and see opinion. Others feel there is no market for them so there is no problem. Pretty much the same opinions expressed on the BB.
Jim did ask a question that I had not thought of.
How many chip dealer/collectors do you see on Andy's list?
BTW, there are some on the list. George, Andy, etc.
One of the nicest and could be one of the largest LE dealer/collectors signed up immediately.
Rene was there and took a lot of flak over the slabbers having a table at the PS show. 99% was good natured ribbing. I have come to the opinion that I am glad he gave them a table. I think we can give them a lesson in "NOT SLABBING 101"
On the way out, Rene and I was talking, he said"
"Gene the slabbers table was not about the money, but about.."
I did not hear the rest as I was heading for cover before the lighting struck!!! <g>