I am glad to here that. I am not sure I am yet ready to join the list because I dont like absolutes. In life, we do a lot of things we dont always agree with. Someone responded to a post earlier taht said that if the board or the membership passes a ban at club functions, then we will all have to live with it. I agree. Similarly, I try not to be a hypocrate if I can help it.
Am I against slabbing? Yes.
Would I purchase a slabbed chip? Yes, if was at the price I would have purchased it at otherwise, without a premium. I would then cut it out of the package and put it in my collection.
Would I sell a slabbed chip. Yes, but only if I could sell it at the same price as an unslabbed version. (yet I can not figure out how I would ever get any?)
Would I Buy a chip from a dealer who sells slabbed chips or is a grader? Well, of course. Why is it my business what stupid things he does? If he wants to pay a Premium for grading to have the chips sit in his collection, then I gusse he needs all the freinds he can get. Maybe I could explain to him that selling inventory is the point of being a dealer?
Should I boycott a dealer because he participates in other activites I dont agree with. Maybe I should stop buying chips from Casinos that wont sell house chips from the cage? Maybe I should stop buying chips from collectors who "harvest" (steal) roulette chips or dont pay sales or income tax? Maybe we should boycot dealers altogether, or only those who are lawyers?
My point is that this hobby belongs to us all, not just to those who agree with the "Slabbing is Shame" mantra.
Simply, I agree that slabbing is wrong. But not because it is inharently bad, or because it is popular to join in and say so, but because just does not make any sense at this point in time.